


1. 遊戲禁止使用非中英文字形、符號,創造角色。並不得以攻擊性、騷擾性、威脅性、毀謗性、猥褻性、淫穢的、侮辱性、粗俗的、種族歧視、侵犯版權、一般的髒話以及諧音等字眼、引起法律糾紛之文字等,使人厭惡的字眼作為角色/社團名稱;任何帳號一經發現有上述情節,一律刪除人物並永久以停權處置之。

2. 不得假扮由智傲集團有限公司(以下稱「本公司」)認定之官方線上遊戲管理人員名稱,以及相關組織員工、客服人員或創造任何代表本公司等容易引人疑惑或誤認的角色、公會、為其名稱或行為。違者一經查核發現或玩家舉證告發,官方於查證屬實後將一律刪除人物並永久以停權處置之。

3. 玩家請切勿以身試法使用或傳播任何導致遊戲封包傳輸速率異常之程式(如:加速程式…等)或封包修改工具與程式修改本遊戲之傳輸封包等外掛,本公司為維護遊戲公平性,任何玩家如經查證屬實,將永久凍結該玩家會員及遊戲帳號之使用權,並且保留法律追訴權。

4. 本遊戲玩家有隨時配合線上遊戲管理人員的詢問以及測試等等要求之義務,並應遵守線上遊戲管理人員的裁決,不得有逃離或是離開遊戲等方式來迴避詢問以及測試,並且不可以對線上遊戲管理人員進行諸如恐嚇或是謾罵等行徑。

5. 玩家有責任妥善保管其申請的遊戲帳號與密碼,並為此組帳號與密碼登入系統後所進行之一切活動負責。為維護玩家自身權益,切勿將帳號與密碼洩露或提供予第三人知悉,定時修改密碼。若因為個人疏忽或租借給他人使用、使用非官方程序進行遊戲,導致其帳號被盜用或任何損失等,本公司將不負任何賠償或補償責任且玩家不得異議,有關責任與風險須由個人承擔。

6. 請玩家切勿利用遊戲程式本身之BUG(意指遊戲漏洞)進行一切可能破壞遊戲公平以及平衡、並影響其他玩家權益及造成不屬於原先設計範圍效果之行為,所有的本遊戲玩家都有義務在發現遊戲上的錯誤後,立即在線上或是利用官方信箱(回報區)、電話等聯絡方式回報官方處理,切勿私下自行使用或是傳遞、告知給第二者知悉,若是官方未公告BUG之部份將以官方認定判斷為主,違者將會依照情節輕重予以處分。

7. 請玩家在進行遊戲過程中,切勿重複使用言詞對遊戲中其他玩家或官方管理人員進行洗頻、干擾等相關行為或動作,若有玩家進行上述等相關行為,本公司得依情節輕重予以處分。

8. 嚴禁在遊戲中進行有任何非遊戲內容商業行為、虛擬寶物(道具物品)、虛擬貨幣、遊戲帳號、儲值點數、月卡來進行現實生活中的現金交易或是交換,(包含意圖透過影射性文字以及留訊息動作行為等利用現金交易的行為;其他部份將由官方判定),若因玩家遊戲帳號、虛擬貨幣、道具、以及儲值點數、月卡私下交易或轉讓而發生權益損害問題,此後果將由使用者自行承擔;所有損害與不必要的責任,並且本公司得進行無限期停止該會員帳號使用權之處分。

9. 請勿在網路上及遊戲中發表或傳佈任何具騷擾性、威脅性、毀謗性、猥褻性、淫穢的、侮辱性、粗俗的、種族歧視、一般的髒話以及諧音等字眼、引起法律糾紛之文字、涉及人身攻擊或侵犯他人隱私,使人厭惡等之言論來影響他人進行遊戲,如發生上揭情事者,本公司得依情節輕重予以處分。

10. 請玩家切勿用不實言論來暗中陷害或毀謗其他遊戲使用者以免影響遊戲秩序,如任何玩家意圖毀損官方名譽,經查證屬實後將對該玩家帳號永久凍結處置並保留法律追訴權。

11. 請玩家切勿做出干擾、入侵或破壞本公司遊戲主機或網站網路資源等行為,否則經本公司查證屬實則將會進行處置並保留法律追訴權。

12. 非經本公司許可,不得利用遊戲及任何本遊戲週邊商品來從事任何營利活動。

13. 任何官方人員以及遊戲管理者,都不會跟玩家索取遊戲帳號密碼和玩家個人申請資料;同時只有在特殊情況時(例如官網上所公告之線上活動)才會收取玩家物品等,若有其他相關訊息請參照遊戲官方網站公佈為主,並再次叮嚀玩家務必注意妥善保管個人遊戲帳號密碼及資料,以維護自身的權益,若因個人疏失致權益受損者,則應由玩家自行負責,本公司將不負任何責任或義務。

14. 遊戲中的遊戲管理者以及其他官方人員皆不會涉入玩家在遊戲以及現實中的任何糾紛。關於遊戲中的正常玩家交流行為,請玩家先行透過良好的溝通管道自行調解,官方將不擔任仲裁的角色或介入。

15. 對於在遊戲中的任何交易、欺詐、帳號盜用之有關法律上民、刑事責任等情事,如玩家因上述行為而涉及法律糾紛或訴訟者,本公司將依法提供司法單位所需求之相關資料以供查詢佐證。

16. 使用者在本公司註冊之個人基本資料與實際狀況不符時,本公司將不對其帳號提供服務!若使用者於註冊帳號時使用不實之註冊資料或將其「遊戲帳號」、「密碼」或「遊戲相關資料」洩漏或轉讓與他人時,本公司將於公告後停止該使用者會員帳號之使用權,並由使用者自行承擔所有之損失與損害。

17. 若使用者於遊戲中發生任何違反法令之行為及任何侵害他人智慧財產權情事,本公司在接獲公務機關及檢調單位和司法機關或其他政府機關之命令之後,容許在不經使用者同意下,即依法提供使用者之會員註冊資料及其上線時間及遊戲歷程紀錄,交予相關之單位做為佐證,並將會永久終止該會員帳號之使用權。

18. 會員未經書面同意,不得創造、使用或提供任何非本公司所有而可運行本遊戲的伺服模擬器,亦不得刊登、散佈、使用任何有關本遊戲的修改工具、模擬器或相關程式,如有違反則本公司將對違反者永久停權並將追訴其行為與相關法律責任。

19. 禁止利用程式漏洞或規則不盡完善之處進行獲取暴利與賺取金錢、複製裝備、快速累積經驗值及任何會造成伺服器負擔加重或當機之行為,所有關係者之一切資料將由本公司認定回復至最初之原始正確狀態,並依情節輕重停用帳號或刪除人物角色並永久凍結帳號,本公司另將追訴其相關法律責任。

20. 遊戲進行時玩家必須在電腦/手機螢幕前進行遊戲,若經查證玩家不在電腦螢幕前,但其人物角色仍然在進行遊戲動作,則該情況皆視為機器人角色(Robot),經線上遊戲管理人多次警告並紀錄情況後若是玩家仍然不配合線上遊戲管理人員的勸導將予以永久凍結帳號處分。

21. 各類不當技巧不得在遊戲內公眾區域以任何方式公開討論,違者將加以懲罰。任何有蓄意破壞遊戲流程致影響大多數玩家權益的行為,本公司有權加以處分且對於所有不當行為;本公司擁有最終解釋與裁量權。

22. 所有本遊戲內之道具、角色、電磁記錄等,皆屬本公司保管;若伺服器超載致有電磁記錄無法寫入之情形發生時,您同意本公司重新啟動伺服器,將遊戲回復至未超載前之狀態。您必須使用正當的方式上線。如您使用違法的方式上線,本公司對您的帳號將保留限制的權利;若您攻擊本公司伺服器,本公司即有權封鎖您的IP地址,並刪除您的角色名稱及相關電磁紀錄;若您對於個人遊戲歷程有疑問,您必須於事實發生後二個月之內向本公司申請查核;而且您瞭解您必須攜帶您本人(且能證明是該查核帳號之持有人)之身分證或戶口名簿正本親自至本公司,並遵循本公司處理辦法付費申請。一旦逾越本公司電磁紀錄之保存期限而未申請者,本公司恕不接受查核之申請。 本公司不保證各項服務的穩定、無誤及不中斷,玩家需明白使用本遊戲之所有風險及可能產生或引致之任何損害;若因ISP網路線路的品質不良,造成遊戲進行中產生LAG的情形,而造成您的損失,本公司將不負賠償責任。

23. 若您於現實生活中就您於本遊戲上之道具、人物及其他各項電磁記錄,與他人進行交易或互易行為,因此而產生的糾紛,本公司恕不負責!此外,若因天災、不可抗力或其他非人為因素而導致您的損失,本公司將無法賠償此部分之損失。

24. 您瞭解您所購買的商城幣 / 點數卡,一經開卡或儲值後,即表示您已經確認進行本遊戲各項服務之消費,已存入你帳號的服務點數,將無法轉讓給第三者;本公司亦無法進行回復或退費等動作。

25. 對於會員所登錄或留存之個人資料,您同意智傲集團有限公司得於合理之範圍內保存、蒐集、處理、傳遞及使用會員個人資料或其衍生之相關電磁數據,以提供會員其他資訊服務,或作成會員統計排行榜等資料或進行關於網路行為之調查或研究或為任何之合法使用。

26. 對於會員所登錄或留存之個人資料,智傲集團有限公司在未獲會員同意之前,不對外揭露會員之姓名、地址、電子郵件地址及其他依法受保護之個人資料,但下列情況不在此限:

a. 受司法、警察或其他有權機關基於法定程序之要求時。

b. 於維護公益或保護智傲集團有限公司或他人權益時。

c. 因會員之行為違反法令或本服務條款之規定時。

d. 在緊急情況下為維護其他會員或第三人之人身、交易內容、遊戲歷程、個人資料之完整安全時。

27. 對於以上條例本公司持有最終解釋權,並且依情況之需要而得隨時進行修改或增減。本規章若有任何異動,將於本遊戲官方網站首頁公告,並不另外個別通知玩家。如您不同意修改之細則,請勿繼續使用本網路遊戲服務;如果您繼續使用並未停止服務,本公司將視同您同意並接受規章內容之異動部份。若玩家違反上述規則,本公司得視情節輕重永久或暫時中止會員之全部或部分網路服務暨遊戲帳號使用權,且不退還任何相關費用。


"古惑仔M" online game user authorization agreement


 "古惑仔M" is officially authorized Gameone Group Limited ("Gameone" and/or the "Company") is fully responsible for the production and distribution in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.  The following terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") are related to your rights. Please read all the terms in the contract and this authorization before registering as a player of "古惑仔M" (hereinafter referred to as "the Game") and using the services of the Game.  If you have any questions about the Terms and Conditions, please check with our Company's customer service officer.


Note: Once you install, copy, purchase, run the "古惑仔M" customer portal or use the software of this Game in other ways, it means that you have agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions.  If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, please do not use the software of this Game.


1. The Game prohibits the use of non-Chinese and non-English fonts or symbols to create characters.  Words such as offensive, harassing, threatening, defamatory, obscene, insulting, vulgar, racially discriminatory, copyright infringement, general swearing, homophonic, or texts that cause legal disputes, etc., are prohibited from using as the character or community name; once any account is found breaching this term, the character account will be deleted and the right will be permanently suspended officially.


2. Do not pretend to be the official staff or this Game management personnel authorised by Gameone, as well as employees of related organizations, customer service personnel, or create any characters, community, names or names that may be confusing or misidentified as acting on behalf of the Company. If any offences found are verified or reported by other players with evidence, the relevant character account will be deleted and the right will be permanently suspended officially.


3. Players should not try to use or spread any program that causes abnormal game packet transmission rate (such as acceleration program, etc.) or package modification tools and programs to modify the game’s transmission package and other plug-ins. The Company maintains the fairness of the Game, if any offences are verified, the right to use the player account and the character account will be permanently frozen, and the Company reserves the right of any further legal action.


4. The Game players are obliged to cooperate with our Game managers' inquiries and testing requirements, and should abide by the Game managers’ rulings, and must not escape or leave the Game to avoid inquiries and testing.  Intimidating or verbally abusing our Game managers is not allowed.


5. Players are responsible for properly keeping their game account details and passwords, and are solely responsible for all the activities performed after logging in to the system.  In order to protect the rights and interests of players, do not disclose or provide the account details and passwords to a third party, and should change the password regularly.  If the account is stolen or any loss due to personal negligence or renting to others, using unofficial procedures to play the Game, the Company will not be liable for any compensation or obligation and the player shall not object to it. The relevant responsibilities and risks must be borne by the player solely.


6. Players are requested not to use the BUG (meaning game loopholes) of the game program itself to conduct any behaviour that may disrupt the fairness and balance of the game, affect the rights of other players, and cause effects that are not within the scope of the original design. All game players are obliged to, when discovering an error in the game, immediately report it online or use the official mailbox (report area), telephone and other contact methods to report to the official for processing. Do not use it privately or inform other parties. If the official has not announced the BUG fully, based on official judgments, the offenders will be punished according to the severity of the circumstances.


7. Players are requested not to repeatedly use words to shuffle or interfere with other players or official management personnel in the Game. If a player performed the above-mentioned related behaviours, the Company may punish them according to the severity of the circumstances.


8. It is strictly prohibited to conduct any non-game content commercial activities, virtual treasures (game items), virtual currency, game accounts, stored value points, monthly cards for real-life cash transactions or exchanges in the Game, (including intended behaviours such as messages or texts by innuendo to induce cash transactions; the rights of final judgements are reserved by the official). Any damages or losses, due to the above-mentioned behaviours, shall be solely and fully borne by the player itself; the Company will suspend the player the right to use the account permanently.


9. Do not publish or spread any words that are harassing, threatening, defamatory, obscene, insulting, vulgar, racially discriminatory, general swearing and homophonic words on the Internet and in the Game, or text that causes legal disputes, remarks involving personal attacks or infringement of others’ privacy, disgusting, etc., influence others to play games. If an incident occurs, the Company may punish it according to the severity of the circumstances.


10. Players are requested not to use false remarks to secretly frame or slander other game users so as to affect the order of the Game. If any player intends to damage the official's reputation, the player’s account will be permanently frozen after verification and the right of any legal action will be reserved.


11. Players are requested not to interfere, invade or damage the Company's game console or website network resources, otherwise the Company will deal with it and retain the right of legal prosecution if verified by the Company.


12. Without the authorisation of the Company, players are not allowed to use the Game and any peripheral products of the Game to engage in any profit-making activities.


13. Any official personnel and Game managers will not ask players for game account details, passwords and player personal application information. Only in special circumstances (such as online activities announced on the official website, etc.) will player items be collected, if there are other related information, please refer to the official website of the Game for reference, and once again urge players to keep carefully their personal game account details and passwords and information to protect their own rights. If the rights are damaged due to players' personal negligence, the players should be responsible for themselves. The Company will not bear any responsibilities or obligations.


14. Game managers and other official personnel in the Game will not be involved in any disputes between players in the Game and in reality.  Regarding normal player communication behaviour in the game, players are requested to mediate themselves through good communication channels. The official will not act as an arbitrator or intervene.


15. For any transaction, fraud, account embezzlement related to the law, criminal liability and other situations in the Game, if the player is involved in legal disputes or litigation due to the above behaviours, the Company will provide relevant information to corroborate requirements by the judicial unit in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.


16. When the user's basic personal information registered in the Company is false, incorrect or wrong, the Company will not provide services to this account!  If a user uses false registration information when registering an account or leaks or transfers his/her "game account", "password" or "game-related information" to others, the Company will suspend the user’s membership account after the announcement.  The right to use, and the user shall bear all losses and damages.


17. If the user violates the laws and regulations or involved in any infringement of the intellectual property rights of others in the Game, the Company will, without the user’s consent, provide the user's member registration information, online time and game history records in accordance with the law, once receiving the order from the public agency, the inspection unit, the judicial agency or other government agencies, and submit it to the relevant unit as proof and evidence. The right to use the member account will also be permanently terminated.


18. Without the Company's prior written consent, members shall not create, use or provide any server simulators that are not owned by the Company that can run this Game, nor may they publish, distribute, or use any modification tools, simulators or related programs related to this Game. In case of violation, the Company will permanently suspend the rights of the violator and will prosecute his/her actions and related legal responsibilities.


19. It is forbidden to use program loopholes or imperfect rules to obtain profits and earn money, copy equipment, quickly accumulate experience points, and any behaviour that will increase the burden on the server or crash. All data of all related parties will be, as determined by the Company, reverted to the original status and situation. According to the seriousness of the circumstances, the Company will disable the account or delete the character as well as permanently freeze the account, the Company will reserve the right to prosecute its related legal liabilities.


20. When the game is in progress, the player must play in front of the computer/mobile screen. If it is verified that the player is not in front of the computer/mobile screen, but the character is still performing the game action, the situation is regarded as a robot character (Robot), if the player does not cooperate with the persuasion of the online game manager after repeated warnings and records, the account will be permanently frozen.


21. Various improper techniques shall not be discussed publicly in the public area of the Game in any way, and offenders will be punished.  Any behaviour that deliberately disrupts the Game process and affects the rights of most players, the Company has the right to punish all improper behaviour; the Company has the right of final interpretation and discretion.


22. All props, characters, electromagnetic records, etc., in this Game are kept by our Company; if the server is overloaded and electromagnetic records cannot be written, you agree to restart the server and restore the Game to previous not overloaded status.  You must log in the Game in a proper way.  If you use illegal methods to logging in the Game, our Company reserves the right to restrict your account; if you attack our server, our Company has the right to block your IP address and delete your role name and related electromagnetic records;  If you have any questions about your personal game history, you must apply to the Company for verification within two months after the circumstance occur; and you understand that you must bring your original identity document or the original account book (and can prove that you are the holder of the verification account) and come to the Company in person and pay the application fee in accordance with the Company's processing methods. The Company will not accept any verification applications after the Company’s electromagnetic record retention period expired.


23. The Company does not guarantee the stability, error-free and uninterrupted services. Players need to understand all the risks of playing this Game and any damage that may be caused or caused; if the quality of the ISP network line is poor, the LAG will be generated during the Game. The Company shall not be liable for the compensation for your losses.


24. If you have conducted any transactions or reciprocal behaviours with others regarding your props, characters and other electromagnetic records in this Game or in reality, the Company will not be responsible for any disputes arising therefrom!  In addition, if your loss is caused by natural disasters, force majeure or other non-human factors, the Company will not be liable to compensate for the losses caused.


25. You understand that once the G coin/point card is purchased, opened or the value is stored, it means that you have confirmed the consumption of various services in this Game. The service points that have been deposited into your account cannot be transferred to others; the Company will not revert or refund.


26. Regarding the member's personal data registered or retained, you agree that Gameone may store, collect, process, transmit and use the member's personal data or its derived electromagnetic data within a reasonable range to provide other information services to the members, or make membership statistics rankings and other information or conduct surveys or research on Internet behaviour or for any legal use.


27. For the member's personal data registered or retained, Gameone will not disclose the name, address, email address and other legally protected personal data of the member without the consent of the member, but the following circumstances are excluded:


 27a. When required by judicial, police or other competent authorities based on legal procedures.

 27b. When safeguarding public welfare or protecting the rights and interests of Gameone or others.

 27c. When a member's behaviour violates the law or the provisions of these terms of service.

 27d. In an emergency, to maintain the integrity and security of other members or third parties' personal, transaction content, game history, and personal information.


28. For the above Terms and Conditions, the Company holds the final interpretation right, and can be modified or added or deleted at any time considered necessary.  Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be announced on the homepage of the Game's official website, and players will not be notified separately.  If you do not agree to the revised Terms and Conditions, please do not continue to use this online game service; if you continue to use the service without stopping the service, the Company will treat you as agreeing and accepting the changed part of the Terms and Conditions.  If the player violates the above Terms and Conditions, the Company may permanently or temporarily suspend all or part of the member's right to use the Internet services and game account, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, without refunding any related fees.  Sexual, obscene, insulting, vulgar, racial discrimination, copyright infringement, general swear words and homophonic words, texts that cause legal disputes, etc., disgusting words are used as the character/community’s name; if any account is found breaching the above-mentioned Terms and Conditions, the characters will be deleted and the rights will be suspended permanently.